Pregnancy is a journey full of milestones, excitement, and a fair share of medical terms. Among them, you might hear about preterm, full-term, and post-term pregnancies—phrases that describe how far along your baby is. Understanding these terms can help you feel more prepared for the final weeks of pregnancy and confident in your decisions, especially if labour induction is discussed.
Let’s dive into what’s happening with your baby during each phase and why induction might sometimes be part of the conversation.
What do these terms mean and what’s happening with my baby?
Preterm (before 37 weeks)
Preterm refers to any baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. These early weeks are a time of rapid development, but some key systems are still maturing:
- The lungs are still maturing to support breathing after birth.
- The brain continues to grow and develop important connections every day.
- Your baby is also gradually building up fat stores, which will help them stay cozy and maintain their temperature in the outside world.
Babies born very early (before 32 weeks) may need specialized care in a neonatal unit. Late preterm babies (34-36 weeks) often do well but may need support with feeding, temperature regulation, or breathing.
Why might labour be induced early?
Induction during preterm pregnancy is considered only when there’s a medical necessity to deliver the baby sooner than expected, such as:
- Severe preeclampsia or high blood pressure posing a risk to the mother.
- Infection, such as chorioamnionitis, that threatens the baby or mother.
- Growth restriction if the baby isn’t thriving in the womb.
In these cases, the benefits of delivery outweigh the risks of continuing the pregnancy.

Full-term (37 to 42 weeks)
Full-term is the phase most babies aim for. It’s further divided into:
- Early-term (37-38 weeks): Your baby is likely fully developed, but their brain and lungs are still doing some fine-tuning. Babies born during this time may be slightly more likely to need short-term support, though most thrive.
- Full-term (39-40 weeks): This is considered the ideal window for delivery. Your baby’s brain is 30% larger than at 35 weeks, and their body has stored enough fat to maintain a healthy temperature outside the womb.
- Late-term (41-42 weeks): Your baby is fully developed, but the placenta may begin to show signs of aging. Monitoring becomes important during this stage.
Why might labour be induced during full-term?
Induction at full-term is generally recommended if there are concerns about your or your baby’s health, such as:
- High blood pressure or gestational diabetes that could worsen.
- Concerns about the placenta’s function, particularly in late-term pregnancies.
- Ruptured membranes (your water breaking) without labour starting, to reduce the risk of infection.
Post-term (after 42 weeks)
Babies born after 42 weeks are considered post-term. While many babies are perfectly healthy in this phase, the risks increase slightly due to changes in the placenta, which may no longer provide nutrients and oxygen as effectively.
- Your baby may grow larger, making delivery more challenging.
- Amniotic fluid levels can decrease, increasing the risk of cord compression.
- There’s a slight chance of meconium-stained fluid, which could lead to breathing issues at birth.
Why might labour be induced post-term?
Induction is often recommended after 42 weeks to reduce the risk of complications such as:
- Reduced oxygen or nutrient supply to the baby.
- Physical challenges during delivery due to a larger baby size.
The bigger picture
Whether your baby arrives early, on time, or a little late, what matters most is their health and yours. Every pregnancy is unique, and induction is just one tool to ensure a safe and positive birth experience when timing or circumstances require it.
Pregnancy is full of unknowns, but remember—you’re not alone. Your healthcare team is there to guide and support you through every step, and your body is doing something truly amazing. Take a deep breath, trust the process, and know you’ve got this. 💛
Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider to address your individual needs and concerns.