What to know before your labour induction

What to know before your labour induction

image source: Freepik

If you’re an expectant mom and you’ve been told that labour induction will be part of your childbirth story? You are in the right place!

What does this mean? What are the things to keep in mind? And what are your options? 

Dive into the article, where we break down the key details and point you to the information you need to navigate your own induction—and all that comes with it.   

Understanding induction of labour

First things first. 
Simply put, labour induction is when healthcare providers use specific methods to help your labour startinstead of waiting for it to happen on its own
This is more frequent than it may seem. In fact, about 1 in 3 pregnant women is induced. 

Usually, if it does not happen on its own, your healthcare provider begins with cervical ripening. Cervical ripening is a preparation of your cervix, which is necessary for the induction to happen. Imagine the cervix as a door to your womb, and the door needs to be opened first.

To calculate how ready your cervix is, your healthcare provider will use something called The Bishop score. You can read more about this in this article.

Keep in mind that it’s a carefully planned process designed to ensure the safest delivery for both you and your baby.

Reasons for induction of labour

So, why might your healthcare provider recommend labour induction? 
There are various reasons actually. These are often tied to ensuring both your baby’s and your own health. Some common reasons include:

  •    Going past your due date
  •    Medical concerns
  •    Your waters breaking early

Each situation is unique, and your healthcare provider will determine if induction is the safest option based on your specific needs

If you would like to learn more about reasons for labour induction, read this article.

image source: Freepik

What happens during labour induction?

Labour induction involves several possible techniques to encourage your body to start the birthing process. 

These methods fall into two main categories: non-hormonal and hormonal 

  1. Non-Hormonal Methods:
  • Osmotic dilators (such as DILAPAN-S)
  • Catheters (Foley, COOK)
  • Membrane sweeping

  1. Hormonal methods:
  • Prostaglandins

Dive into our article, Cervical ripening: Mechanical or pharmacological approach?, where we break down these options in detail. 

Why are non-hormonal methods worth considering?

Non-hormonal options, especially osmotic dilators, are gaining recognition for their natural approach, reliability and high maternal satisfaction

Unlike hormonal methods, they work gradually to prepare the cervix without altering your body’s hormonal balance or causing unwanted side effects, contributing to a smoother birthing experience.

Tip: If you are being induced, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider about non-hormonal options—find out how to have a conversation with your practitioner here

One of the drug-free options that might be right for you is DILAPAN-S. Many mothers report feeling more in control with their birthing experience with DILAPAN-S and its gentle mode of action. You can find out more about this approach here.

Inducing labour at home? 

In some cases, if your healthcare provider and hospital offer this option, it is possible to wait in the comfort of your own home while undergoing cervical ripening.

With mechanical cervical ripening methods—such as DILAPAN-S —your healthcare provider might consider an outpatient ripening. Many women prefer this, as the familiar space and the gentleness of DILAPAN-S allow them to spend this phase of labour induction in their familiar environment with their loved ones. With DILAPAN-S you can take a nap, walk, eat or shower comfortably. 

Find out more about outpatient ripening here.    

image source: Freepik

Pain or discomfort during labour induction 

Labour induction usually involves either mechanical devices or medication (in some cases both) to dilate your cervix and start the contractions afterwards. All of that may lead to increased pain or discomfort.

The good news is that both pain and discomfort are manageable. And the fact that you’re being induced typically doesn’t limit your pain relief options. 

Discover what you need to know about your possibilities in this article

Final thoughts

Induction of labour is planned in advance carefully to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you and your baby. Understanding your options is key to feeling confident and prepared.

Remember, you can always ask questions and discuss your preferences with your healthcare provider. Your birthing journey is personal, and being informed will help you and your clinician make the best decisions for you and your baby.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider to address your individual needs and concerns.

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