Your big moment is coming!
Labour, especially if induced, might present new challenges—and although each mother’s path is unique, it’s good to plan ahead. Take a look at how your DILAPAN-S induction might look like.

Arrive at the hospital
Before your induction, you will discuss all the details, risks and benefits of induction with your clinician. They will also conclude whether you need cervical ripening.

Prepare and choose
In case you will need cervical ripening, you will be able to choose your method. At this point, you’re in charge. It’s great to be informed beforehand, so you can make a calm, confident decision. Let’s assume that you select DILAPAN-S. You can also ask if your hospital offers outpatient ripening and whether it would be suitable for you.

Start the induction
Your clinician will carry out all necessary examinations, and then insert DILAPAN-S dilators (usually 3–5) into your cervix. The process might be slightly uncomfortable and maybe even a bit painful for some—but most mothers say it feels similar to an ordinary vaginal examination. It usually only takes a few minutes, and then you can benefit from the gentleness of the ripening.

Baby countdown
a) Inpatient
If you are admitted to the hospital, just sit back and get yourself comfortable. With the dilators inserted, you can keep doing what you want up until the Big Moment itself. Enjoy a shower, spend the day with your dream team, crank up your labour playlist, or just sleep until your baby’s due!
That being said, it can be helpful if you mobilise during the ripening process. It can be something as simple as sitting on a stability ball—just gently move around or sway to the beats of your playlist!
b) Outpatient
If your clinician decides that you can go home, great! Enjoy a nice meal, take a walk, binge-watch an entire season of your favourite show, simply enjoy the comfort of your home as much as you can. And most importantly, rest up. Bringing life into the world requires some serious fuel. In any case, always follow your clinician’s directions.

Don't forget your check-up
After about 12–15 hours, your clinician will check your cervix. If you had outpatient ripening, plan to return at the specified time.
Removing the dilators is generally straightforward. However, some women may still have a fully closed, thick cervix, and one round may not suffice. If this applies to you, please don’t worry, as the process can be repeated and, it’s important to note that the chances of this happening are slim.

Time to start contractions
Once your clinician concludes that your cervix is ready, the goal should be to stimulate your contractions. Please, always ask your clinician about the next step—they will choose the best course of action for you.
We hope that the comfort of DILAPAN-S made you feel relaxed and ready to tackle your Big Moment!

Enjoy your tiny sidekick
The grand arrival of your mini-me is finally here. Best wishes on your unique journey into motherhood!

Do you have more questions?
Being informed means you’ll feel more at ease when navigating your own journey towards motherhood. We’re here to assist you along the way.
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All you need to know
Induced labour may be a time of new challenges and even concern. We want to make sure that you have all the information you need to feel confident and calm. So, let’s talk about induction of labour and DILAPAN-S—listen to all of the frequently asked questions answered in a single video.