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Induction is an opportunity for natural vaginal birth

And an open cervix is the first step towards induction. DILAPAN-S can help you take that step. Naturally, gently, comfortably.

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What users say about DILAPAN-S?

Trusted by expectant mothers and doctors around the world.

Rods were inserted into my cervix at 5pm, I had mild contractions all night in the hospital ward but managed to sleep. At 5am doctors removed the rods to find I was successfully 4cm dilated.
source: - not verified
5 rods of dilapan were inserted into my cervix on January 4th at 12pm. DILAPAN-S was inserted using a speculum similar to a smear test. It was a little uncomfortable but I didn't need any pain relief and once it was in you couldn't feel it. I went to the toilet as normal and was told it would stay in me for 12-15 hours to help soften the cervix. During this time I was having minor contractions which felt like mild period pains.(…) All in all it's probably been the best labour out of all 3 of my children.
source: - not verified
This is basically a natural way to dilate you. I couldn't find any stories about using DILAPAN-S, so I had no idea what to expect. All the induction stories that I have seen online and heard people talk about I was scared because people say that an induction can go on for days and days. But the DILAPAN-S? I would get again.
source: - verified
Basically, they are little rods that expand. So, they put these rods up inside you, and through osmosis, they expand. There are no hormones involved in the process and that means you can go home, whereas with the things like gels and pessaries, they are all hormone based. So, there is the risk of your cervix spasming and contracting, and that can lead to a really fast labour. There is much less risk.
source: - verified
…(with inserted DILAPAN-S) they go for a walk with their partner, they get in on the birthing ball, they're doing all those really positive things that are actually going to encourage labour rather than be stuck on a bed strapped to a monitor…
Healthcare Professional, Lead Midwife, Cardiff UK
- verified

Our women like that it’s in for a shorter period of time, there’s less risk for their baby as there’s no drugs or hormones that might cause hyperstimulation, they like the non-pharmacological option.
Healthcare Professional, Midwife, Nottingham, UK
- not verified

DILAPAN-S is a wonderful addition to our (IOL) options.
Healthcare Professional, Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Calderdale, UK
- not verified

We were getting many complaints about how painful the induction process was with [a commonly used induction method, ed. note] and I'm pleased to say we saw DILAPAN-S exceed all of the expectations with a more comfortable night's sleep and a more comfortable insertion.
Healthcare Professional, Midwifery Sister, London UK
- verified

94% of women would recommend having DILAPAN-S to a friend who had also need an induction.
Healthcare Professional, Midwifery Sister, London UK
- verified

Probably the main change (after implementing DILAPAN-S) has been the comfort of the women on the ward, women are a lot better at mobilizing, also when they need to rest they can rest, reduction in our analgesia usage…
Healthcare Professional, Lead Midwife, Cardiff UK
- verified

I've been around through a lot of inducing procedures in my time, but I must say that the DILAPAN-S that we've been using recently in the last three years has actually changed our practice quite a lot. We've expanded the number of induction of labours for us in outpatients from 2% to about 35%.
Healthcare Professional, Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Essex, UK
- verified

We particularly like using (DILAPAN-S) on high risk women and especially those with IUGR, small babies, GDM and VBACS because it does give us more control than prostaglandins.
Healthcare Professional, Matron at Royal Surrey, UK
- verified

We’re new to DILAPAN-S but we’ve seen really good results particularly in our primips. We’ve noticed improved patient flow, reduced time for induction, and freeing up more midwives since we’re not using [a commonly used induction method, ed. note], we’re not seeing women struggling with the pains and needing more attention.
Healthcare Professional, Midwife, North Cumbria, UK
- not verified

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All you need to know

Induced labour may be a time of new challenges and even concern. We want to make sure that you have all the information you need to feel confident and calm. So, let’s talk about induction of labour and DILAPAN-S..


Labour induction, or “inducing labour”, is the process of completing your pregnancy through natural birth. Your cervix should become relaxed, open, and soft, followed by the stimulation of uterine contractions to achieve a vaginal delivery of your baby.

Your pregnancy has now progressed to a stage where your physician or midwife feels that the risks of leaving the baby inside your uterus outweigh the risks of delivering your baby. The most common reason for labour induction is a pregnancy that has extended beyond the due date.

Oxytocin is the drug that promotes your contractions. Your physician is likely not to start you on an oxytocin drip until your cervix is favourable. DILAPAN-S helps prepare your cervix for successful induction, which means increasing its dilation and softness. This procedure is called “cervical ripening.”

The cervix, deep inside your vagina and the opening to your womb (uterus), should be firm, long, and closed tightly until you are near the end of your pregnancy. As you approach your due date, your cervix may begin to soften, shorten, and could even start to open slightly. Sometimes, clinicians may use other terms such as dilation or effacement. These terms refer to the shortening, softening, and opening of your cervix as it prepares for your baby’s delivery. It’s important to remember that this process does not happen naturally for all women before labour, so sometimes help with “cervical ripening,” as part of labour induction, is needed.

DILAPAN-S is a small dilator, made from patented hygroscopic gel, which is carefully inserted through your vagina and into your cervix. The dilator does not contain any drugs. Usually, multiple dilators are inserted together to gently ripen your cervix. Once the dilators are in place, the moisture from your cervix causes them to slowly expand, softening, dilating, and relaxing the cervix. The dilators are typically in place for 12–15 hours (no longer than 24 hours). Based on mothers’ experiences, you will almost not feel the dilators and nothing will protrude from your vagina. You will be able to rest, sleep, stand up, walk, take a shower, and perform your normal daily activities.

DILAPAN-S is a synthetic osmotic dilator made of patented Aquacryl hydrogel, guaranteeing predictable action.

The insertion can be slightly uncomfortable and perhaps even a bit painful for some. However, most mothers say it is similar to a usual vaginal examination. The diameter of each dilator is small, and generally, the insertion is well tolerated. The insertion itself usually takes only a few minutes, and after that, women benefit from DILAPAN-S’s gentle mode of action.

Progression towards labour is accompanied by uterine contractions. But the timing of these is important. Frequent uterine contractions during cervical ripening, when the cervix is not ready, are considered unnecessary and unwanted. Excessive contractions can be painful and might cause changes to the baby’s heart rate or cause womb hyperactivity. DILAPAN-S is designed to minimise these risks compared to pharmacological methods, contributing to high maternal satisfaction.

With the dilators inserted, you can continue your regular activities, including going to the bathroom, showering, and performing daily tasks. However, you should avoid vaginal douching, sitting in a bathtub, and sexual intercourse while the dilators are in place. Most women can relax or sleep during cervical ripening as there is a low rate of disturbing uterine contractions. If there is any excessive bleeding, pain, or other concerns during the ripening process, please report that to your clinician immediately. Under no circumstances should you try to remove the dilators yourself.

The dilators will be removed by your clinician, usually within 12-15 hours (no longer than 24 hours). If they fall out spontaneously, it may signal the onset of labour. In that case please contact your clinician immediately.

No. DILAPAN-S does not contain any hormonal substances, therefore CTG monitoring is typically not required. It means you can go and stay at home with dilators in. You can relax, sleep, and enjoy your time with your family before seeing your clinical team, usually the next day. If you go home, you need to follow the instructions given by your midwife or doctor.

Once DILAPAN-S has been removed, your clinician will examine whether your cervix is ready. The next step depends on the clinical protocol of the hospital. The goal is to stimulate your uterine contractions. You may be encouraged to mobilise, which can help. Alternatively, your waters might be broken, or your clinician may decide to promote contractions with an oxytocin (also called Syntocinon) drip immediately. Please ask your clinician about the next step.

Clinical studies have shown that cervical ripening with DILAPAN-S is successful in over 80% of women. It can be used in almost all induced women, including those with high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia), gestational diabetes, systemic disease, or those who have had a previous Caesarean section. The only contraindication for the use of DILAPAN-S is a clinically apparent genital tract infection. Your doctor and midwife will discuss with you the safest options for you and your baby.

Yes, DILAPAN-S, having no pharmacological content, has minimal limitations related to medical conditions. It can be used in pre-term, term, and post-term pregnancies, as well as in mothers with systemic diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. It is also suitable for mothers with a previous Caesarean section. Cervical ripening is usually gentle and gradual and will not cause your womb to over-contract or cause your baby to become distressed. DILAPAN-S should not be used only if you currently have any clinically apparent genital tract infection.

Do you have

more questions?

Here’s a simple way to ask your physician or healthcare provider for DILAPAN-S during your next appointment.